API Reference

from(T input)

  • Description: Initializes the pipeline with an input value.

  • Parameters: T input - The initial input value.

  • Returns: Pipe4j<T> - A new Pipe4j instance.

perform(ThrowableFunction<? super T, ? extends U, E> callable)

  • Description: Chains an action that takes the input from the previous step and returns a result.

  • Parameters:

    • callable - A function that performs an action and returns a result.

  • Returns: Pipe4j<U> - A new Pipe4j instance with the result of the callable.

perform(ThrowableFunction<? super T, ? extends U, E> callable, Function<? super Throwable, ? extends U> fallback)

  • Description: Chains an action with exception handling. If an exception occurs, the fallback function is used.

  • Parameters:

    • callable - A function that performs an action and returns a result.

    • fallback - A function that handles exceptions and returns a fallback value.

  • Returns: Pipe4j<U> - A new Pipe4j instance with the result of the callable or fallback.


  • Description: Ends the pipeline and returns the final result.

  • Returns: T - The final value produced by the pipeline.

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